Sunday, November 28, 2010

Handling The Holidays

*This was sent to Grace and Truth clientele on Black Friday (click for services)

So, how's Black Friday going for you? Are you enjoying the afterglow of a great family gathering, or recovering from stress and relational skirmishes?

Since Thanksgiving kicks off a busy and potentially stressful season, Grace and Truth wants to offer some tips about handling the holidays:

1. Ask yourself, "If the Holidays go as well as possible, what will I be able to say about them once they're over?" Your answers reveal what you want. Once you know that the next step is to brainstorm potential action-steps and strategies to make the holidays what you'd like them to be.

2. Brainstorm a list of options (potential action-steps) to make the season what you'd like it to be.

3. Evaluate your list. Rank-order the options. Which ones do you like the most and which ones are most realistic?

4. Act on your plan!

We realize your schedule and relationships might be a bit more complicated. Please call or schedule an appointment if we can be helpful in collaboration to make this season more pleasurable.

Blessings to All!

Jeff and Jill Williams
Susan Fiegel

Monday, November 1, 2010

S'more Jesus: Marriage and Family Retreat, Nov. 5, 6, 7

It's late notice, but maybe it's timely for you?

S’more Jesus: Marriage and Family Retreat

First United Methodist Church, Greencastle, PA
November 5, 6, 7

Summary: Pastor Stacy Crawford is passionate about people putting Christ in the center of their families and relationship struggles. The schedule of events and speakers has been organized for married couples and children. Jeff and Jill Williams, Marriage Coaching trainers will present two sessions (details below the full schedule). Couples and families can still register. Call the Church office for details. (717) 597-7314

Full Schedule: S’more Jesus Retreat (Nov. 5th, 6th, & 7th)

*7:00 – 8:30 PM – Lesson/kids lesson (Chuck Long “Keeping Cool in Crisis” – What to do when the smore, the stick, and everything else seems to go up in flames)
8:30 PM – Campfire & S’mores
9:30 – 11:00 PM – Games in the meeting room for those interested

8:00 AM – Breakfast
8:30 – 10:00 AM – Family time – scavenger hunt/hike (your choice)
*10:00 – 11:30 AM – Lesson/kids lesson (Jeff Ehko “TMI Avoiding Marshmallow Marriage Meltdown” – You can’t have too much information)
12:00 Noon – Lunch
1:00 – 3:00 PM – Church kickball
3:00 PM – Ice cream snack
*3:00 – 4:30 PM – Lesson/kids lesson (“Raising Kids when Life is Like a Box of
Chocolates” - You never know what you’re gonna get: Jeff and Jill Williams**)
4:30 – 5:30 PM – Family time
5:30 PM – Supper
*6:30 – 8:00 PM – Lesson/kids lesson (“In-laws and Out-laws” – How to deal with extended family when the cracker crumbles around the edges: Jeff and Jill Williams**)
8:30 PM – Campfire & S’mores
9:30 – 11:00 PM – Games in the meeting room for those interested

8:00 AM – Breakfast
*8:30 – 10:00 AM – Lesson/kids lesson (Diane Salter “Savoring the Smore” - Getting the
Most out of the “roast” of your life)
10:00 – 10:30 AM – Family prayer
*10:30 – 11:30 AM – Worship
12:00 Noon – Lunch
1:00 PM – Leave for home

** - Jeff and Jill’s workshops

*3:00 – 4:30 PM – Lesson/kids lesson (“Raising Kids when Life is Like a Box of
Chocolates” - You never know what you’re gonna get)

1. Effective Listening and asking to hear and hold your child’s heart; their honest thoughts, feelings and desires; essential skills to heal, strengthen and protect the relationship.

2. Stress styles – Differences in behavior under stress and what to do about them.

3. Teach, model and facilitate couples to do an exercise that they can take home to do with their children that will build closeness and prevent misunderstandings.
- Jeff and Jill teach, model, facilitate couples to do the exercise privately and then debrief with questions and answers.

*6:30 – 8:00 PM – Lesson/kids lesson (“In-laws and Out-laws” – How to deal with extended family when the cracker crumbles around the edges)

1.Keeping your cool. Honor your emotional responses to extended family interactions (i.e., conflicts, disappointments, etc.)
a.An exercise to defuse the emotional brain when it is angry, sad and scared.
b.*An exercise to clarify your desires regarding family interactions, boundaries, etc.
i.The steps of setting a shared goal (handout).
c.The tightrope of boundaries; setting limits with love.
i.Protecting your children from dangerous situations and unhealthy influences.
ii.Extended version of complaint with request for change (negotiation for change).
*as time allows